Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The things she says

Yogurk - yogurt (she LOVES yogurk!! She asks for it every time she sees it in the fridge.)

Neckace - necklace. This child will wear all her 'neckaces' at the same time.

ABDBDBDB is the way Brooklyn sings the ABC song. It's so cute...just tickles me!

Ring - rain

Monter - monster...as in cookie.

She can find her elbow. She can say moon and airplane and loves to find both in the sky.

She loves to sit on her potty, with or without clothing on. No pee-pee yet, but sitting in the right place for it is a great start.

Loves to take baths. She knows what 'swim' is even though she's never seen it or done it.

Ing - earring

Core - color

Pow - pillow

Bucket - blanket

All None - all done

Booken - Brooklyn

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