Friday, April 3, 2009

God has shown favor on us yet again....

and has given us a baby GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to the family Bean-ette!

Yay! The wait is finally over and I couldn't be happier.

John held my hand the entire time. When the technician's magic wand hovered over Bean's "baby bits", I'm pretty sure we all held our breath until she said "That's most definitely a girl!" Then simultaneous screams errupted (from me and The Moms), followed by tears of joy (again....from me and The Moms). In between joyful sobs I managed to croak out "Are you SURE???" The sweet technician confirmed it again and then let the doctor come in to confirm for a 3rd time. My mom made this sign that had "It's a Girl" written on one side and "It's a Boy" on the other. How cute is she?? I'm so glad she made the sign because we were able to snap a few quick pictures.

All other baby parts were verified and seemed to be working normally. It was INCREDIBLE to see the tiny chambers of Bean's heart. Two kidneys were visible. We saw arms & legs & fingers and toes. We saw stomach & brain and spine and ribs. All precious in my sight. God bless technology!

Of course The Moms were thrilled. I was so glad they were a part of this monumental day. Once I was able to wipe all the ultrasound goo off my belly, button my snuggly fitting jeans, we all practially RAN out to the waiting room to fire up our cell phones. That was the beginning of the 4 hour text/phone fest. God bless technology!

After the appointment our families gathered for a celebratory dinner at Outback. What an emotional day. It's only 8:00pm here on the east coast and I am drained!

I wonder if it could possibly get any better than this. I do have a sneaking feeling it's going to get TONS better. I can't yet imagine how much better, but I'm ready. =)


Fleur-de-lis and Flourishes said...

Congratulations Rebecca & John ~ if you think you love her now, just wait till she arrives! God Bless you all! Have John whisper a little hello to Bean-ette from her cyber Auntie Patti!

Lisa said...

hehehe! I can't stop giggling.

oh and I love how you've girlied up the place. :)