Monday, July 6, 2009


I'm going to take a few minutes to unload some gripes. Feel free to skip this post if you want.

I've gained 34 lbs so far and I'm okay with that. But I strongly believe only 15 lbs is baby and 10 lbs sits in each foot. I'm totally wondering how much my poor foot skin can take before it explodes. And let me tell you, it doesn't tickle. Boo to feet puffs!

You know what else sucks? Acid reflux. And the consequential not being able to sleep in any other position than standing up. Well rested? Bah! What's that?

Also getting old is the lower back pain. I'm way too young to feel like a Golden Girl bobbling around the shuffle board courts of Boca Raton in my slippers and house coat. On the plus side, I've found an unbelievable chiropractor who also does prenatal massage...all for a $15 copay. Yes, you heard me correctly. It's amazing, isn't it?

The last item on my list is lack of motivation. I couldn't be LESS INTERESTED in my job right now. Every time I'm given an assignment I think "Sheesh...don't you guys know I'm busy growing a baby?! I can't focus on work right now!"

So I'm starting to think more seriously about maternity leave and the details that go into getting that ball rolling. I can't imagine the gloriousness that will be "3 months off of work." I've been saving as much as I can to be able to afford the 6 extra weeks of unpaid leave. It breaks my heart to think of going back sooner just because of money.

And my other thoughts more recently have been about breastfeeding. I really really really want to do this successfully for the better part of a year, regardless of going back to work. I'm sure it is challenging and painful in the beginning. And inconvenient. And awkward. But I feel so strongly about doing it that I just don't care about the issues that typically prevent people from keeping this up. I'm determined to make it work. Women before me have done it successfully, both working mothers and stay-at-home-moms. I know it is possible.

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