Friday, April 29, 2011

Things She Says

We are getting into the part of parenting that I have been waiting for....the things kids say. Yay!

I know, I know...they won't always be funny things. I anticipate some embarrasing moments for mommy or daddy, but these are the things that make life interesting and fun.

And give me stuff to put on the blog.

On our way home from daycare I'm teaching Brooklyn about the things around us, the river, the trucks, cars, train and trees. Naturally she thinks all these things are hers.

Me: Brooklyn, do you see the water?
Her: Brook-a-lyn's water.
Me: We are driving over a bridge now.
Her: Brook-a-lyn's bidge. (That's how she says is...bidge.)

Well, yes there is a Brooklyn bridge but I hope she isn't sad when she learns that neither it or the city are actually hers.

1 comment:

Four Lease Ranch said...

This made me laugh. :)