Friday, March 13, 2009

Couldn't have said it better myself...

John and I were just talking last night about how American society is setting kids up for disappointment in the real world by trying to shield them from failure. And today in this book I'm reading during my lunch break the author brings up the same exact subject...preventing children from doing things that might damage their self-esteem. The author quotes Rick Reilly, a sports writer for Sports Illustrated, regarding school districts outlawing Dodgeball:
I know what all these NPR-listening, Starbucks-guzzling parents want. They want their Ambers and their Alexanders to grow up in a cozy womb of noncompetition, where everyone shares tofu and Little Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf set up a commune. Then their kids will stumble out into the bright light of the real world and find out that, yes, there's weak and there's strong and teams and sides and winning and losing. You'll recognize those kids. They'll be the ones filling up chalupas. Very noncompetitive.
This book is BRILLIANT!

PS I do listen to NPR (mainly to mock the media with my friends later) and I do semi-guzzle Starbucks, but I totally agree with both writers. I want our kids well equipped to deal with the ups and downs that exist in the non-fiction world.


Fleur-de-lis and Flourishes said...

Excellent post Bec ~ remember when you actually had to be good at(insert sport here) to make theteam? I remember them saying PASS when I tired out for Pom Pom ~ yeah it hurt for a minute but then I found Drama and was actually good at it! Amazing how failing makes you better at something you actually love!

Lisa said...

"filling up chalupas..." bwahahah!