Saturday, March 13, 2010

Doing Something New

Today we went kayaking around a wildlife preserve in our area. Neither of us had 1) been to that part of our area and 2) been kayaking before. I LOVE doing new things. And I can't believe I've been surrounded by water my whole life and have never been kayaking, but hey, I'm doing it now!

Our instructor told us to think of your body as a stack of blocks...keep your head (block #1) over your shoulders (block #2) over your torso (block #3) and you'll stay balanced in the boat. Okay. Will do. As John and I settled down into our tandem boat with me in front and him in the back, I realized the great tip-potential of these tiny little vessels. And holy crap was that water cold! Um....did we really think this through? We push off the beach and I'm desperate for us to get into a paddle rythm. I feel our boat start to lean starboard (that's 'right' for all you land lubbers) and I yell to John "Your blocks! Stack your blocks!!!" He corrects himself and the boat straightens out.

Now we've been canoeing together before and learned that I'm a strong paddler and good at steering the boat. We also learned that John is not so much good at either of those things. Let's just say we saw many tree roots up close along the river THAT day. Hahahaha! In his defense, I think it is because he hasn't had much experience. Nothing wrong with that.

I admit that today I had low expectations as he took the spot in the boat that controlled our direction. But you know, we REALLY worked well together. He got the hang of dragging his paddle in the water to get us to turn and we both learned how to "paddle hard right" to turn right quickly and "paddle soft" to help us straighten out if we started zigging or zagging across the inlet.

We saw a manatee up close, we avoided running into any fishing lines from the shore fishermen, we watched and applauded a guy on a motor boat who reeled in this huge fish, we didn't get eaten by gators, didn't crash into another boat or tip over, and realized that we'd love love love to do this again. And I can't wait for the time when we can bring Brooklyn to go kayaking. Yay us!


Cheryl said...

Kayaking is SO much easier than canoeing. Dana and I have been kayaking...gosh...since I've known I guess 15 years. We have our own kayaks now and take them out as much as we can. On the lake behind our neighborhood, we take the girls and the put them in front of us since there isn't a swift current. It's addicting. I love it!

Fleur-de-lis and Flourishes said...

Y'all are way braver than I am - I don't like tippy things especially in water.