Friday, February 27, 2009

I had a thought today

Even though I don't feel pregnant at all, and quite honestly I don't yet feel bonded to the life growing within, this little baby is already deeply loved by God. It makes me cry to think that as we were all being formed in our mother's womb, completely unaware of our surroundings, of our parents or even of ourselves, God had a marvelous plan for us. A co-worker emailed me this eBook called Your Pregnancy Devotional. In it I read that the life inside is a blank canvas, waiting for the brushstrokes to be added. I wonder what Bean's canvas will end up looking like. I wonder how my canvas will change as God adds the colors of motherhood to it.

This life was created, as we all are, for a purpose. We think it is a product of our human love. But I know there is more to it than that.

Lord, I can't help but wonder how you will use Bean for Your glory. How will you use John and I to further your kingdom through this tiny life? I'm excited to see it all unfold. Thank you for this opportunity to step out of the boat with You.


Fleur-de-lis and Flourishes said...

If only all mothers felt the way you do Bec! You may not feel bonded but you certainly sound bonded!

Lisa said...

... [I got nothing] ...