Monday, February 2, 2009

Things I don't have to do when I'm pregnant

1. Share my food with anyone. Ever. Note to my coworkers: Yes my food smells AND tastes delicious. No you can't have any and if you touch it, I'm pretty sure I'm allowed by law, to keeeeel you.

2. Change the cat litter box. Thank goodness we don't have a cat but if we did, I could actually get a doctor's note that absolves me from that responsibility. Something about toxic cat poo germs or something. I dunno.

3. Feel bad about putting the A/C down to 30 in the house.

4. Listen to nearly any advice I get from strangers. My doctor says there are only 2 things someone should legally be allowed to say to a pregnant lady: "You look wonderful!" and "Everything will be just fine."

5. Feel guilty about putting on some lbs. Sweet freedom!

Now someone go get me a cupcake!

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