Thursday, February 19, 2009

2nd Trimester Appt Today

We have our 2nd OB appointment today at 3:00. John and I are both excited to see the progress.

I'm feeling great. I've had no food cravings, no weird dreams, and I haven't begun to show yet. My appetite is coming back and I'm eating normal portions of food now instead of little niblets. I wish I were getting more sleep. There are just too many great TV shows on right now.

Operation "Makin Room for Baby" is still in effect. We wanted to put wood flooring in Bean's room but will now have to spend the $$ on storage cabinets that will line 1 whole wall. I'd love love love the flooring but with space being such an issue, we think the cabinets will be a better use of dollahs. I no longer feel an urgent need for a bigger house. It isn't the worst thing in the world to have the baby's room share space with an office. Maybe I was having an emotional moment the other day. Anyway, all is well. =)

Here's a funny for the day: A sweet friend in my small group was telling me how she swaddles her new baby to comfort him. She says he looks like a burrito. She then said "I guess you guys will have a Bean burrito." It made me giggle last night and it makes me giggle this morning.